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A Home of Her Own

Coventry has seen an extraordinary rise in the number of homeless people and in temporary accommodation in the last few years. The recent report ‘Home of Her Own’ (July 2019) by Women’s Budget Group (produced in collaboration with Coventry Women’s Partnership) identified that for ‘Coventry, as in most of the country, housing benefit is not covering full rents in any of the bedroom entitlements – even for the cheapest rents’.

Aside from refuge services for women fleeing domestic violence and abuse (which are already oversubscribed), there are currently no women-only accommodation options for females in Coventry. Working in partnership with KairosWWT, this project aims to gain further understanding and evidence of women’s housing across the City.

KairosWWT and Coventry Haven Women’s Aid are proud to be leading the way in the fight to end women’s homeless in Coventry with a project called A “Home of Her Own”, funded by Homeless Link.

The aim of this new project is:

1) Provide tailored, direct support to groups for women whom housing services are often hard to access, including rough sleepers, women with multiple/complex needs, BME women, those with no recourse to public funds and/or whose economic circumstances disqualify them from housing related support, as well as women at risk of homelessness or losing tenancies.

2) Reduce number of women rough sleeping or becoming homeless and increase number of women accessing safe, appropriate accommodation & maintaining tenancies.

3) Increase level of gender and trauma-informed support in Coventry delivered by women’s organisation’s.

Our dedicated team of Housing Practitioners will provide specialist 1-2-1 housing support, assistance to navigate the housing system, and support to identify a suitable housing pathway. Both organisation’s recognise the needs of homeless women differ to homeless men, we are equipped to respond to those and committed to being apart of the solution in ending women’s homelessness.

For more information, please email:

For details about Kairos WWT, please click here.

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